Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Third week of OJT

     This week the ICTMU staff held the meeting of what we the BU OJTs would do. After that Sir Jerome spoke to us of what the meeting’s conclusion. So BU OJTs will be divide into two one for Queuing System and the other for the Scoreboard. We’re seven so Sir Jerome told us that 3 on the Queuing system because it was kind of easy then the other 4 will be on Scoreboard because these systems will the difficult. So after of networking and hardware it’s time for programming. This week was programming week but we take our time no rush in finishing the system.  We start the development of the assigned system at the OCR. It’s kind of fun coding together we exchanged our knowledge and techniques in programming. We really don’t do much in this week because we focus on the system development.

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